The Skinner Team

Person checking their credit score on iphone with plant in the background.

Credit Score: An Element in Real Estate

If you are not purchasing your new home with cash,  your credit holds a significant influence over your ability to secure a mortgage, negotiate favorable terms, and achieve your dream of becoming a homeowner. Your credit score is sometimes misunderstood. Understanding it is a crucial part of obtaining the funds for your new home.

Decoding the Digits

Your credit score is a three-digit number,  ranging from 300 to 850, attained from a review of your credit history. This history includes a variety of categories such as your past borrowing, repayment patterns, and outstanding debts. There are different credit scoring models but the FICO score and VantageScore are the most used.

Credit score displaying on iphone next to sunglasses and a watch on wood background.

The Significance of a Credit Score

First, your credit score carries importance because it serves as a summary of how financially reliable you are. This provides lenders a quick assessment of the risk associated with extending credit or entering into a housing transaction with you. The higher a credit score is, the more it suggests responsible financial behavior. 

Gatekeeping to Mortgage Opportunities

Second, your credit score is often the top factor to securing a mortgage loan. Mortgage lenders analyze credit scores to evaluate terms they’re willing to offer. You want your credit score to be higher for more favorable mortgage options, lower interest rates and down payment requirements. This could save you thousands of dollars.

Man holding little plastic house while calculating credit score on a calculator with plant in the background.

Long- Term Credit Health

Lastly, your credit score plays an important role in developing your long-term financial health. Responsible credit management can open more opportunities. Whereas, a low credit score can limit your financial options, leading to higher borrowing costs and difficulty renting. 

Your credit score is always changing. If you would like to see what your credit score is currently, you can run free reports through services such as Credit Karma, Experian, Equifax, and TransUnion.


In summary, your credit score stands as a major factor of financial credibility and purchasing power. Understanding the importance of your credit score helps you to navigate the complexities of the housing market with confidence, and achieve your homeownership goals. You lay the foundation for a brighter homeowner future by learning responsible credit management and obtaining a positive credit history. 

Contact us today for a list of our preferred lenders so we can get you started on the road to homeownership!