The Skinner Team


Difference Between Listing Price and Sale Price in Real Estate

Let’s chat about a topic that often confuses many in real estate: the difference between listing price and sale price. Knowing the distinction can give you a leg up whether you’re buying your dream home or selling your cozy nest.

What’s the Listing Price?

First things first, the listing price. This is the price a property is listed for sale by the seller. Think of it as the starting point in the game of real estate. Many people think of it as the marketing price. It’s the price that catches your eye when you’re scrolling through those gorgeous home listings online.

Sellers and their agents set the listing price based on various factors:

The listing price is often a bit aspirational – sellers hope to get the highest price possible, but it’s also designed to attract potential buyers and encourage offers. When the price is too high, buyers overlook it because they do not perceive it as a good value or that the seller is unrealistic. It’s important to be realistic about the pricing because if it’s not priced well, your home will not be shown. Or, if it is shown, you likely won’t receive offers. Many sellers want to “test” the waters with a high price but that can often backfire.

So, What’s the Sale Price?

Now, let’s talk about the sale price. This is the final price a home sells for. It’s the number on the dotted line when both buyer and seller have agreed on a deal. The sale price can be influenced by several factors:

  • Negotiations: Buyers might offer less than the listing price, and sellers can accept, reject, or counter-offer.
  • Market demand: In a hot market, homes might sell for above listing price due to bidding wars. Conversely, in a slower market, sellers might accept offers below the listing price.
  • Inspection results: If a home inspection uncovers issues, buyers might negotiate a lower sale price or ask for repairs.

This number is really market driven. It is not what the seller wants for their home. It’s not what the agents tell you can list your home at. It’s what the market will bare and what a buyer perceives is a fair value. After all, a home is only worth what a buyer is willing to pay for it. Without a buyer, there is no sale.

Why the Difference Matters

Understanding the difference between these two prices is crucial for both buyers and sellers. For sellers, setting the right listing price is a strategic move. Price it too high, and you risk scaring off potential buyers. You can really impact how long it takes and the final sales price of your home from the moment you choose a listing price. 

Tips for Sellers:

  • Work with a seasoned real estate agent to set a competitive listing price.
  • Keep an eye on local market trends.
  • Be prepared for negotiations and be flexible with your price.

For buyers, knowing that the listing price is just a starting point can help you navigate negotiations. Just because a home is listed at a certain price doesn’t mean you can’t make an offer that fits your budget. 

Tips for Buyers:

  • Do your homework on comparable sales in the area.
  • Get pre-approved for a mortgage to understand what you can afford.
  • Don’t be afraid to negotiate – the listing price is just a suggestion!

In a nutshell, the listing price is the seller’s hopeful asking price, while the sale price is the actual amount a buyer is willing to pay. Both are equally important and understanding them can make your buying or selling journey smoother and more successful. Whether you’re looking to buy, sell, or invest, understanding the ins and outs of listing and sale prices can help you make more informed decisions. If you have any questions or need expert advice, set up an appointment to meet with us. We are happy to share our expertise.