Market Stats
Here is where you can find all the latest info on the Summit County, CO market from Anne Skinner with The Skinner Team.
- Summit County annual gross sales for 2024, in addition to the October 2024 dollar volume, have beat 2023 total monetary sales volume. Fifty-five percent of all residential sales were at or over $1M.
- Market Analysis by Area for October 2024: There were a total of 183 transactions and $213,666,350 in monetary volume. The average transaction price for all 18 reported areas, plus deed restricted transactions, was $1,239,279. The average residential price was $1,313,371 and the average residential PPSF was $818.
- Market Analysis by Area YTD 2024 (10 months): There were a total of 1331 transactions and $1,813,366,584 in monetary volume. The average transaction price for all 18 areas, plus deed restricted transactions, was $1,431,835. The average residential transaction price was $1,479,567 and the average residential PPSF was $839.
- Market Snapshot for YTD 2024 vs YTD 2023: Average indicators for $: Single Family +12%, Multi- Family +8% and Vacant Land -2%. Median indicators for Single Family +9%, Multi- Family +1% and Vacant Land +11%.
- Market Analysis % Change 2024: Monetary volume in October 2024 was up 11% and transactions were up 9% from October 2023. YTD 2024, transactions were 1% up and $ was up 15% from YTD 2023.
- Residential Cost Analysis: Residential volume in October had 144 transactions with $189,125,376 gross volume. There were 72 properties that sold for $1M and above in October. There were 48 single family, 96 multi-family and 4 vacant land transactions in October.
- Average Price History by Type YTD 2024: Average price for residential single family: $2,338,240, multi- family: $1,033,108 and vacant land: $664,817.
- Comparative Historical Cost Analysis Comparison YTD 2024-2023-2022: YTD 2024, there were 1029 transactions with $1,522,474,610 gross monetary volume with 568 properties selling for over $1M. In 2023, there were 1018 transactions with $1,351,400,710 gross $ volume with 529 properties selling for over $1M. In 2022, there were 1194 transactions with $1,584,487,607 gross $ volume with 582 properties selling for over $1M.
- Top Lender Analysis September: There were a total of 327 loans, 124 loans related to sales, 82 REFI’s and 121 timeshare loans with 32% of real estate deals closing with cash.
- Purchaser Profile Abstract plus : There were 75 upper end sales and 6 new construction closings in October. Our buyers for real estate transactions YTD 2024 (rounded up): local buyers 29%, front range demographic at 37% and 34% were out-of-state buyers. International buyers were at 0%.
Please note that Land Title data comes from actual recorded transactions at the County Clerk and Recorder’s Office for that particular month. The information is not directly related to MLS data. The data is an unofficial tabulation of Summit County Records that are believed to be reasonably accurate.
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