*Unincorporated Summit County encompasses a large geographic area and uses the same zip codes as the surrounding areas of Silverthorne, Breckenridge, Dillon, and Frisco. We can help you determine the exact jurisdiction of the property you are interested in*
Unincorporated Summit County has two different Overlay Zones – Resort Overlay Zone & Neighborhood Overlay Zone. These two zones have different rules & restrictions. Please ask us which zone your home is within if you are planning on short term renting.
The Resort Zone includes Copper Mountain; Tiger Run, Ski Watch and 4 O’Clock subdivisions in Breckenridge. The Neighborhood Zones include all other areas in Unincorporated Summit County.
Keystone is becoming it’s own town and it is unknown what will happen with short term rentals. There is currently no contact number.
Homes within resort zones do not have a cap on number of nights it can be rented out.
There is no limit to number of permits within the Resort Zone limits.
In Resort Zones, occupancy is generally 2 per bedroom + 4 additional people. You may also be able to apply for 1 person per 200 sq ft, whichever is greater. However, properties on a septic system are limited to only 2 per bedroom.
ALL short-term rentals licenses expire on September 30th each year and must be renewed. Licenses are non-transferable. You are required to have a Short Term Rental license to rent your property for less than 30 consecutive days at a time.
The number of bookings per year has increased from 30 to 35, increasing the allowable nights per year.
License Fees for Resort Overlay Zones per year:
The new regulations passed in December 2022 capped the number of nights these units could be rented out at 135 per year in neighborhood zones.
Caps will be determined by what Basin your home is in. It will likely be 5-10 years before new licenses are available, depending on the basin.
Montezuma does not allow rentals under 180 days.
Once the owner is able to obtain a license, they will be limited to 35 bookings/year. The length of bookings will be up to the owner to determine the usage. There will be exemptions for local property owners. Please see the ordinance for details.
All pre-existing licenses in the Neighborhood Zone will have until 2023 to come into compliance with the nightly regulations.
In neighborhood zones, occupancy limits are 2 per bedroom plus two additional people.
Within Neighborhood Zones, license are further broken down into 3 tiers of licenses.
You are required to have a Short Term Rental license to rent your property for less than 30 consecutive days at a time.
ALL short-term rental licenses expire on September 30th each year and must be renewed. Licenses are non-transferable.
You can apply for a Neighborhood Overlay Short Term Rental License here.20
The Town of Blue River is located south of Breckenridge and is only about 2.5 square miles in geographic area. They currently have a very simple system without a lot of nuances. The number of licenses is at 23% of total housing units right now. Once they get closer to 30%, they may vote on restrictions.
Blue River does not currently have a cap on the number of licenses.
Occupancy is regulated at 2 people per bedroom plus 2 additional people.
There is presently no cap on the number of nights allowed to rent throughout the year.
License fees are $200 for new licenses and $150 to renew.
ALL short-term rentals licenses expire on December 31st each year.
The Town requires a Responsible Agent who is available 24/7 to respond to and resolve complaints within 60 minutes.
You are required to have a Short Term Rental license to rent your property for less than 30 consecutive days at a time.
You can apply for a Short Term Rental License here.
Contact our team to find out if your property is within the town limits of Blue River.
The Town of Breckenridge keeps track of the number of available permits in each zone on their website, which is updated regularly. Currently there are licenses available in Resort Zone and Zone 1. Zone 2 and 3 have a waitlist.
If you are applying for a license in a zone that has exceeded the cap, you will be placed on a waitlist until such time a license becomes available. The length of time you may be on a waitlist is not currently known.
Instead of taking the approach to cap the number of nights, Breckenridge aims at capping the number of licenses. The Town of Breckenridge has implemented 4 zones. Each zone has a different percentage of STRs allowed.
Resort Zone: 100% = 1816 licenses.
Peak 7 area will remain residential and will not be included in the resort zone.
Licenses are non-transferrable. If you are purchasing a property that already has short term rentals scheduled, you may be able to obtain a temporary license.
There is no cap on the number of nights per year you can rent.
Occupancy is 2 people per bedroom plus 4 additional people.
The Town requires a Responsible Agent who is available 24/7 to respond to and resolve complaints within 60 minutes.
There is a regulatory accommodation fee of $400 per bedroom, plus license fees as follows: Studio Unit: $75.00 One-Bedroom Unit: $100.00 Two-Bedroom Unit: $125.00 Three-Bedroom Unit: $150.00 Four or more Bedroom Unit: $175.00
Contact our team to find out which Zone your property falls in!
You can learn more about short-term rentals in Breckenridge here.
The Town of Dillon does not currently have a cap on the number of short term rental licenses allowed, and there is no cap on the number of nights owners are allowed to rent each year.
The Town of Dillon requires a floor plan be submitted with each short term rental application.
You must provide 1 parking space per bedroom, plus one additional parking spot. This is required for each property.
When the property cannot accommodate this many spaces, owners are required to pay a $300 annual use tax to the town for guests to use public parking.
The Town is also working to implement paid overnight parking, but has yet to do so.
Occupancy is 2 people per bedroom plus 2 additional people.
Licenses are non-transferrable.
The Town requires a Responsible Agent who is available 24/7 to respond to and resolve complaints within 60 minutes.
You are required to have a Short Term Rental license to rent your property for less than 30 consecutive days at a time.
The calendar year fee is $250 regardless of when the license is obtained.
All short-term rental licenses expire on May 31st each year. License renewal must be complete by June 30th each year.
Contact our team if you need help creating a floor plan!
The Town of Frisco currently has a 25% cap on the total number of Short Term Rental licenses allowed. There is a small waitlist as of August 2023.
They do not have a cap on the number of nights owners are allowed to short term rent per year.
There is a cap on number of Short Term Rental Licenses, which is 900. The town of Frisco is very close to reaching the cap, and a waitlist will form soon.
Occupancy is 2 people per bedroom plus 4 additional people.
Parking plans must be submitted with short term rental applications.
Licenses are non-transferrable.
If you are purchasing a property that already has short term rentals scheduled, you may be able to obtain a temporary license.
The Town requires a Responsible Agent who is available 24/7 to respond to and resolve complaints within 60 minutes.
You are required to have a Short Term Rental license to rent your property for less than 30 consecutive days at a time.
The annual license renewal fee is $250 / year. All licenses expire on April 30th each year. The renewal cycle takes place March 1st to April 30th and the fee is not prorated.
Contact our team to find out how many short term rental licenses are up for grabs!
There is currently not a cap on the number of nights a property can be rented per year.
Implemented 10% caps for neighborhood zones and 50% cap for high density areas. The cap has not been reached yet and will be reevaluated annually.
Occupancy is 2 people per bedroom plus 2 additional.
The Town of Silverthorne short term rentals are capped at 10% of the number of units in the majority of Town neighborhoods, Area 1, and 50% of the number of units within the Town Core and Riverfront areas, Area 2. Short-term rentals are not allowed within deed restricted neighborhoods, Area 3. Licenses are currently available in Areas 1&2.
Licenses are non-transferrable.
If you are purchasing a property that already has short term rentals scheduled, you may be able to obtain a temporary license.
The Town requires a Responsible Agent who is available 24/7 to respond to and resolve complaints within 60 minutes.
You are required to have a Short Term Rental license to rent your property for less than 30 consecutive days at a time.
All licenses expire on April 30th each year. The renewal cycle takes place March 1st to April 30th and the fee is not prorated.
The annual fee schedule is as follows:
Studio $150/year
1 Bedroom $200/year
2 Bedrooms $250/year
3 Bedrooms $300/year
4 Bedrooms $350/year
5 Bedrooms $450/year
6 or more Bedrooms $500/year.
The Town requires homeowners who short-term lease their Silverthorne residences to collect a 6.0% lodging tax.
Contact our team to find out if your property is within Silverthorne City Limits.
Lake County is under a moratorium and there will be no new Short Term Rental licenses for 2023.
Short-Term Rental Licensing Fee Schedule The short-term rental license fee schedule is $325 for both license types.
Occupancy is 2 people per bedroom plus 2 additional.
Application Fee for Class 1 license $325.00 Application Fee for Class 2 license $325.00 Safety Check (each time) $40.00
All licenses expire on April 30th each year. The renewal cycle starts May 1st and the fee is not prorated.
Licenses are non-transferrable.
If you are purchasing a property that already has short term rentals scheduled, you may be able to obtain a temporary license.
The Town requires a Responsible Agent who is available 24/7 to respond to and resolve complaints within 60 minutes.
You are required to have a Short Term Rental license to rent your property for less than 30 consecutive days at a time.
There shall be a maximum number of certain licenses available per year, which shall equal twelve percent (12%) of the total number of residential parcels within the City.
A fire safety check with the Fire Marshall is a requirement for obtaining a new STR License.
A site plan that identifies parking and trash receptacles is also required.
As of September 2022, there is currently a 12 month moratorium in place for short term rental licenses. You can read more about it here.
Licenses are non-transferrable.
If you are purchasing a property that already has short term rentals scheduled, you may be able to obtain a temporary license.
The County requires a Responsible Agent who is available 24/7 to respond to and resolve complaints within 60 minutes.
You are required to have a Short Term Rental license to rent your property for less than 30 consecutive days at a time.
There is not currently a cap on the number of licenses or nights allowed to rent each year.
Occupancy if home is on septic, Bedrooms 1 through 3, 2 people per bedroom are permitted.. All additional bedrooms: 1 person per bedroom.
All licenses expire on December 31st each year.
The renewal cycle takes place January 1st – December 31st and the fee is not prorated.
Initial Short Term License Fee is $95.00, and annual renewal is the same.
There is currently a 6.5% cap of the available housing units in Town, which is 20 total permits. As of August 2022, 6 permits remain available.
Occupancy shall not exceed the design capacity of the on-site wastewater treatment system.
A diagram with dimensions, sidewalks, parking, adjacent roads, entrances/exits, pathways, kitchens, bedrooms, bathrooms, trash and recycling areas, snow storage areas, outdoor fire amenities, pet facilities, and off-street parking spaces identified and other special features or amenities is required with your application.
New license applications must be submitted at least thirty (30) days prior to the date of the intended use and no advertising of the property as a short-term rental prior to issuance of a license is permitted.
Licenses are non-transferrable. If you are purchasing a property that already has short term rentals scheduled, you may be able to obtain a temporary license.
The County requires a Responsible Agent who is available 24/7 to respond to and resolve complaints within 60 minutes.
You are required to have a Short Term Rental license to rent your property for less than 30 consecutive days at a time.
Licenses shall be issued and valid for one calendar year, from January 1 through December 31, and shall expire within the calendar year for which it was issued.
New license application fees shall not be pro-rated or reduced.
The maximum number of Short Term Rentals in Alma is 10. None are available right now but there is a waiting list.
Short term rental licenses are limited to 15 in the Town of Fairplay. As of 4/15/23 there are 5 available.
There is currently no cap on the number of licenses or number of nights per you can rent per year allowed in Park County.
Short-Term Rental Licensing Fee Schedule New STR License: $605 Annual Renewal: $215
All STR Licenses expire one calendar year after issuance, and applications for renewal must be submitted no later than (30) days prior to expiration of existing license.
Licenses are non-transferrable.
If you are purchasing a property that already has short term rentals scheduled, you may be able to obtain a temporary license.
The County requires a Responsible Agent who is available 24/7 to respond to and resolve complaints within 60 minutes.
You are required to have a Short Term Rental license to rent your property for less than 30 consecutive days at a time.
There is currently no cap on the number of licenses or number of nights per you can rent per year allowed in Park County.
A parking plan and snow and trash removal plan are required upon obtaining new license.
Floor plans with room dimensions and use; door and window locations and sizes; smoke and CO detector locations; proposed occupancy (#) and sleeping plan are required.
Septic pumping reports within 3 years and permitted/approved capacity are also required if applicable.
Occupancy shall not exceed the design capacity of the on-site wastewater treatment system.
You can learn more about short term rentals in Park County here.
$50 fee for short-term rental properties with 24/7 on-site management.
Every STR License expires on February 28th each year and renewal applications must be filed by January 31st each year.
Licenses are non-transferrable.
If you are purchasing a property that already has short term rentals scheduled, you may be able to obtain a temporary license.
These areas require a Responsible Agent who is available 24/7 to respond to and resolve complaints within 60 minutes.
You are required to have a Short Term Rental license to rent your property for less than 30 consecutive days at a time.
Occupancy 2 people per bedroom, plus 2 additional people.
Short-Term Rental Licensing Fee Schedule Town of Vail: $260 fee for short-term rental properties without 24/7 on-site management. $50 fee for short-term rental properties with 24/7 on-site management.
Vail does NOT have a night/year cap.
Starting January 1, 2023 the Town of Vail revised short term rental ordinance is changing.
All new registrations will be required to pass an inspection prior to short-term renting.
Inspections must be scheduled 60-days prior to applying for a short-term rental license. Existing short-term rentals will need to complete and pass an inspection within the first
three years of this ordinance’s effective date. Every short-term rental will then need to
pass an inspection every three years from the date of their last inspection. Properties
with 24/7 on-site management services available at all times are exempt from this
Short-term rental properties will need to have an insurance policy with minimum limits of
$1,000,000. The insurance may be in the form of: property liability insurance;
commercial liability insurance; or an endorsement to the homeowner’s policy for
coverage of short-term renting activities. Insurance provided by online short-term rental
platforms do not qualify. The insurance policy must state that it covers short-term rental
First violation within a 12-month period: $1,500.
Second violation within a 12-month period: $2,650.
Third violation within a 12-month period: Three-year suspension of the rental license
All short-term rentals without 24/7 on-site management services available at all times
will be required to post a copy of their license visible from the exterior of the unit by
passerby. The license will show the following: the property is a short-term rental, the
local representative’s contact information, and the Town’s complaint hotline phone
For more information about short-term rentals in Vail, click here.
Beaver Creek:
$400 initial license fee and $200 annual renewal fee. Fee shall be paid to the Resort Company on or before the expiration date of the license year.
Beaver Creek does NOT have a night/year cap.
Beaver Creek requires a Beaver Creek Business License if a home or condo is rented more than four days in a month.
For more information on Beaver Creek short-term rentals click here.
The Town of Avon (just outside of Beaver Creek) requires property owners to obtain a business license and a sales tax license in order to offer a short-term rental (STR) in their residence for fewer than 30 days.
Check the Avon Short Term Rental Overlay (STRO) zone district map to ensure that your property location is in an area that allows short term rentals.
Town of Avon has a 35 night / year cap and 15 % of properties per complex or subdivision.
For more information on Avon short-term rentals click here.
Eagle-Vail, Gypsum, and Wolcott do NOT have specific guidelines related to short term rentals.Licenses are non-transferrable.
Occupancy must comply with Title 4, Chapter 4.04 of the Town Code, but no standard number is set.
Town of Eagle permits are due annually by December 31st.
There is no fee for a short term rental permit.
If you are purchasing a property that already has short term rentals scheduled, you may be able to obtain a temporary license.
Eagle requires a Responsible Agent who is available 24/7 to respond to and resolve complaints within 60 minutes.
You are required to have a Short Term Rental license to rent your property for less than 30 consecutive days at a time.
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